This is why I’m a climate activist

Moss bobble on a stick

One of the reasons worth fighting for

There will be no bumblebees in the UK by the end of the century if we hit 3.5°C

I went to an online “Evening for Wildlife Gardeners” tonight, organised by the Wildlife Garden Forum, and it was really very good and really very sad. Dave Goulson gave the keynote. I asked what the impact of 3.5°C global temperature rise would be on insect populations, and he said that bumblebees in the UK would probably go extinct.

There was also a talk by Robert Jacques about bird populations and extreme weather events, actually really good to get some detail and see actual effects on species.

And the real humdinger talk was by Mark Schofield from Plantlife, who’s the new Roadside Verge campaigner. He basically talked about a mosaic of habitats in your garden using grass, really simple and fascinating with lots of potential. Got me to thinking about management techniques for an orchard with grass, where there were different areas and cutting regimes. Some crops are easier to harvest on mown grass, whilst some are picked from trees.