Our forest garden tours & workshops setup

Screenshot of Forest Garden Wales’ events page

Exciting times ahead, planning the workshops & tours for Facebook

The majority of Forest Garden Wales workshops & tours are on Airbnb, with monthly discount slots on Facebook/Eventbrite.

I’ve organised the forest garden tours and workshops for 2019. I decided to market them as Airbnb holiday Experiences because it is a vast amount of work to manage an online shop, calendar and publicity.

Sure, Airbnb take 20% of the ticket price (£27 for the tour, £75 for the workshop) but I also wanted to be flexible and spread available slots from April to September, rather than just have monthly, fixed events. I might well end up with a couple of guests for an all day workshop, which is fine because at the end of the season I’ll have a clear idea which days and months are the most popular.

To help spread the word, and also to dip my toe into the world of Facebook events, I’m also running fixed, monthly discounted tours and workshops via Eventbrite and Facebook. The ticket prices are £22 (£5 less) for the tour and £65 (£10 less) for the workshop.

Discounted tours

  • Sat 20 Apr
  • Sat 18 May
  • Sat 22 Jun
  • Sat 20 Jul
  • Sat 24 Aug
  • Sat 21 Sep

Discounted workshops

  • Sat 27 Apr
  • Sat 25 May
  • Sat 29 Jun
  • Sun 28 Jul
  • Sat 31 Aug
  • Sat 28 Sep

It got a bit messy with Facebook, as you can only repeat an event for up to 3 months!

Over the next month, I’ll posting more workshop material and virtual tour videos. Please help spread the #ForestGarden workshop word!